
Armadillos are not known for getting into houses, but they can impact your San Antonio area yard nonetheless. Learn more about armadillo problems below, and if you are dealing with armadillo damage on your San Antonio property, please call Wildlife X Team® San Antonio at 210.502.3800 today to get started on armadillo control plan! 

Nine Banded Armadillo in Yard

Common Armadillo Issues

The bulk of armadillo problems occur outside—luckily they're not usually indoor pests. Armadillos will impact your San Antonio area yard nonetheless. Learn more about armadillo problems below:

Armadillo Yard Damage

The diet of armadillos consists primarily of grubs and insects (nearly 90% of their diet), which means the banded mammals will be prominent in your yard. Farmers have reported a significant issue with armadillos causing crop damage with their digging habits.

Structural Damage

They are found primarily outside, but armadillos’ travel behavior is often alongside human-trodden paths like roads. Their digging habits have been known to weaken roadways and bridges to the point of collapse in extreme cases. They can cause the same weakness along your home’s foundation.

Getting Rid of Armadillos in San Antonio

Armadillos, like all other wildlife animal, are still not a creature you want on your property. Call 210.502.3800 today to discuss creating an  armadillo control plan with the team at Wildlife X Team® San Antonio. We will remove armadillos from your San Antonio property and prevent armadillos from returning to your yard.

What’s the Deal with Armadillos?

  • A unique wildlife critter and the state small mammal of Texas, the armadillo is a mammal covered in natural armor-like bony scales that are composed of keratin (like human hair and nails). This shield is referred to as the osteoderm. The nine-banded armadillo is the only species of armadillo that lives in North America, and its nine bands are actually movable, allowing for flexibility. Their plates overlap and provide extra protection.
  • Giant armadillos have been known to grow over 3 feet long, but the North American species, the nine-banded armadillo, typically grows between 1.5–2 feet including its tail.
  • Armadillos are one of the only animals known to carry the disease of leprosy, which can cause irreversible skin, nerve, limb and eye damage if left untreated.